NEW NASDAQ Daily LOW 11-Oct-2024

Date of Report: 2024-10-11
Total number of tickers with cap above 2B meeting the criteria: 7 Line_Number Ticker Last_Price Max Increase Max Decrease RSI New_Low 280 APLS 26.67 4.48% -11.49% 12.27 True
659 BRZE 29.93 4.00% -19.40% 15.12 True
998 CNXC 46.02 1.82% -18.99% 10.04 True
1685 FSLR 205.04 15.19% -9.29% 28.96 True
2853 MRNA 56.83 5.10% -12.36% 22.62 True
3717 RIVN 10.26 5.29% -10.95% 30.77 True
3773 RUN 15.52 11.34% -9.80% 14.01 True

Author: pcomm-trade