NEW NASDAQ Daily LOW 01-Sep-2024

Date of Report: 2024-09-01
Total number of tickers with cap above 2B meeting the criteria: 8 Line_Number Ticker Last_Price Max Increase Max Decrease RSI New_Low 1245 DJT 19.50 13.00% -7.63% 25.92 True
1246 DJTWW 12.90 12.21% -11.42% 26.23 True
1252 DLTR 84.49 5.22% -10.24% 32.75 True
1820 GH 25.58 6.91% -10.87% 23.74 True
2287 IQ 2.15 6.09% -15.58% 20.74 True
2741 MEDP 355.27 6.88% -18.27% 36.59 True
3165 OKTA 78.73 3.37% -17.64% 27.51 True
3955 SMCI 437.70 8.59% -20.14% 34.45 True

Author: pcomm-trade