NEW NASDAQ Daily LOW 04-Sep-2024

Date of Report: 2024-09-04
Total number of tickers with cap above 2B meeting the criteria: 18 Line_Number Ticker Last_Price Max Increase Max Decrease RSI New_Low 53 ACLS 101.04 11.83% -10.71% 37.00 True
775 CAMT 82.16 11.63% -12.36% 35.15 True
782 CAR 75.31 4.43% -10.65% 36.50 True
981 CLSK 9.02 10.38% -15.62% 35.97 True
1245 DJT 18.08 13.00% -7.63% 24.76 True
1246 DJTWW 11.14 12.21% -13.67% 23.20 True
1252 DLTR 81.65 5.22% -10.24% 31.16 True
1328 DYN 31.94 5.27% -30.70% 26.97 True
1820 GH 24.57 6.91% -10.87% 23.04 True
2169 IEP 13.07 2.61% -11.45% 18.95 True
2287 IQ 2.09 6.09% -15.58% 17.99 True
2859 MRNA 72.94 5.31% -21.01% 32.33 True
2972 NFE 11.68 8.54% -23.62% 35.51 True
3045 NTES 78.00 2.94% -11.17% 30.53 True
3167 OKTA 76.04 3.37% -17.64% 23.31 True
3721 RNA 40.99 12.13% -7.40% 37.33 True
4149 SYM 17.97 13.17% -23.52% 37.90 True
4561 VSAT 15.40 37.82% -22.57% 36.27 True

Author: pcomm-trade